Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rothko Chapel

Today we visited Rothko Chapel in Houston, TX.  This being my first time at visiting this unique location, Jermaine had to explain it all to me.  Apparently Mark Rothko's giant paintings of solid colors were meant to stir emotion in such a touching way, that they make a perfect backdrop for spiritual or inner meditation. A quote I really appreciated from Wikipedia that I think applies to the spirit of my blog:

 "According to Rothko, the work of modernists, influenced by primitive art, could be compared to that of children in that "child art transforms itself into primitivism, which is only the child producing a mimicry of himself."

After minutes of silence, Jermaine leaned towards me and whispered a little too loud, "I guess this could be a little boring for an 8-year old, huh?."  To which she confidently replied, "No, not really."  I love our kid.